Genai's outfit: To preserve their human heritage,genai are one of the few denizens of the deep whichactually wear clothes most of the time. Their outfitincludes a robe, a belt, a cap or turban, and possiblya cloak. The clothes are most often made of kelpcloth and died a variety of colors.Gillclogger: This kelp sack is launched at anyenemy who breathes with gills within 10 feet. If theuser succeeds at a ranged touch attack, the podcontents spread over the gills, hardening andblocking airflow. Though not enough blockageexists to drown the target, he is at a -1 moralepenalty to all attacks and saving throws for 1 round,and must make a morale check to keep from fleeing.Glowrod: This 1-foot transparent tube ofhardened jelly is filled with luminescent glands ofdeep-sea creatures. It is available in red, blue, greenor white. When the user cracks a tip and allowsseawater to flow into the tube, it lights for 6 hours,illuminating a 30-foot radius.Hippocampus: A Reef Horse is suitable as amount for a medium sized rider. A sea pony issmaller than other hippocampi and is a suitablemount for a small character. Mericorns can beridden easily into combat. Light reef horses, seaponies, and heavy reef horses are hard to control incombat. Sea mules are stolid in the face of danger,hardy, steady-going, and capable of carrying heavyloads over vast distances. Unlike a reef horse, a seamule is willing (though not eager) to enter caves andother strange or threatening places.Holy Sand: Holy sand damages undeadcreatures and evil outsiders almost as if it were acid.A bag of holy sand can be thrown as a splashweapon. Treat this attack as a ranged touch attackwith a range increment of 10 feet. A bag breaks ifthrown against the body of a corporeal creature, butto use it against an incorporeal creature, you mustopen the bag and dump the holy sand onto thetarget. Thus, you can sprinkle an incorporealcreature with holy sand only if you are adjacent to it.Doing so is a ranged touch attack that does notprovoke attacks of opportunity.A direct hit by a bag of holy sand deals 2d4points of damage to an undead creature or an eviloutsider. Each such creature within 5 feet of thefrom the "splash." Temples to good deities sell holysand at cost (making no profit).Occasionally, clerics will fill their anchors withholy sand, which can serve as an emergency reservein a pinch.Inkpods: These kelp sacks are filled with octopusink. When the caster releases the sack, it breaks openand spreads a billowing 5-foot radius cloud of thickink, obscuring sight beyond 5 feet for all characterscaught within it. The ink lingers for 1 round, afterwhich the currents dissipate it. If it is released into acurrent moving more than 30 feet, it is ineffective, asthe ink is dispersed too rapidly.Jellyfish, Luminescent: A simple bag made ofliving kelp leaves contains a live jellyfish of theluminescent variety. When shaken violently, thejellyfish instinctually releases all of itsphosphorescent reactant that makes it glow brightly.The jellyfish glows this way for 1 hour, clearlyilluminating a 10-foot radius and providingshadowy illumination out to a 20 foot radius. It takesmonths for this type of jellyfish to replace thereactant, so most are released or recycled for freshones. These "lights" typically have a greenish tint,but for 1 more gp, one could purchase a red, blue, oryellow variety. These jellyfish are farmed andtailored to this type of use through centuries ofselective breeding. Hundreds are bred at a time. Thisspecies of jellyfish does not thrive in the wild, andthose luminescent jellyfish that do, do not glowbrighter when shaken, nor shed enough light to readby at close range. However, domestic jellyfishvarieties have been in use long enough to have asignificant amount living outside of the city,although most that are found will likely be in theprocess of replenishing their photochemicals orperishing, and therefore be of little use.Kelp Tangle: This coil of tough kelp rope hasbeen soaked in an alchemical solution. Whenunwrapped, it can entangle any target within 10 feet.An entangled creature suffers a -2 penalty to attackrolls and a -4 penalty to effective dexterity. Theentangled creature must make a Reflex save (DC 15)or be unable to move. A character thus entangledcan break free of the writhing kelp on a successfulStrength check (DC 27) or by dealing 15 points ofdamage to the kelp with a slashing weapon. Oncefree, the character may move freely. A spellcastingcharacter bound by the kelp tangle must make aconcentration check (DC 15) to cast a spell. Tenminutes after activation, the kelp tangle becomesinert and lifeless.Sea Cat, Riding: This Medium sea cat is speciallytrained to carry a Small humanoid rider. It is bravein combat like a mericorn.Sea Chariot, Merfolk: This near zero-buoyancyvehicle can be drawn by a single hippocampus (orother beast of burden). It comes with a harness andelaborate masterwork floats to adjust buoyancy.Sea Carriage, Elven: This near zero-buoyancyclosed-top vehicle can transport up to six Mediumsizedcreatures. In general, two hippocampi (orother beasts of burden) draw it. It comes with theharness needed to pull it and elaborate masterworkfloats to adjust buoyancy. An elven sea carriage,when properly sealed, will delay the effects ofpressure for as long as the occupants remain insideand the chamber seal stays intact.Smellstone: A small porous rock that is imbuedwith an odor. Smellstones keep their odor for about2 weeks, or it can be released all at once. Typicallyodors are pleasant, like water lilies, coral reef, orbeach wood. Occasionally, a dye is added alongwith the scent, which releases colorful streamers intoareas where they are used. When these dyedsmellstones are crushed, they can be used as signalsthat can be seen from afar.Waterslick Oil: This kelp sack, when activatedby the user, introduces a compound into the bodythat causes it to sweat a slippery and scentlessnatural oil. The oil makes a swimmer slightly morehydrodynamic, though purely aquatic creatures gainmore benefit from this concoction than landwalkers.A non-landwalker will gain + 10 to his speed for 2d4hours, and a landwalker gains +5 for 1d6 hours.point where the bag hits takes 1 point of damage
Dungeon Brewmaster Crack Activation