These links and buttons enable your website visitors and content viewers to easily share your content with their social media connections and networks. Adding these buttons to your content allows you to expand the reach of your content to new audiences and generate new visitors back to your website.
facebook php share code
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Use this button to enable site visitors to easily share content (e.g. blog posts, landing pages, other web pages, etc.) with their networks on Twitter, extending the reach of your content to their connections.
Have you ever wanted to create an anchor text link that pre-populates a specific Twitter message for your visitors to share? We call these links 'Tweet This' links, and at HubSpot, we use them in blog articles a lot to make sharing content easier.
Usually, these tweet links are used on landing pages to promote offers using specific messaging, and within content itself such as in blog posts. Similar to the official Tweet Button, 'Tweet This' links enable marketers to have more control over the message a visitor shares about their content on Twitter.
To generate a Facebook Like Box for your website, visit -plugin. Include the vanity URL for your Facebook Page as well as your customization preferences. Then generate the code (available in HTML5, XFBML, IFRAME, or a URL), and place it on your website where you want it to appear.
Use this button to make it easy for visitors to endorse your content and share it with their Facebook connections, but keep in mind this button doesn't allow them to add personalized messages to links before sharing them. To allow users to add a personalized message, use the Facebook Share Button (see below).
Facebook's Share Button acts similarly to the Like Button (sharing your content on their Timeline and in friends' News Feeds), but it also gives users the option of adding a comment or message to the link when sharing it. This button also allows them to share the content in other ways -- in Facebook Groups and in Facebook Messages to specific users.
To generate a Facebook Share Button, visit -button and specify the URL you want people to share as well as the width. Then generate the code, and paste it into your site where you want the button to appear. (Note: The share button is only available in HTML5 or XFBML, and it requires the JavaScript SDK.)
There may be times when you prefer to use an anchor text share link over a button. These links are easy to create and can be added to web pages, blog articles, landing pages, or within content like ebooks and whitepapers.
To create your own Facebook share links, replace the orange section of the URL, below, with the URL of the content you want to promote. Then link the full URL to the anchor text you want to appear in your content.
Adding LinkedIn's Share Button enables visitors to easily share your content with their connections on LinkedIn, whether it be a blog post, a landing page, or another web page. Like Facebook's Like and Share Buttons and Twitter's Tweet Button, incorporating this button can help extend the reach of your content to the LinkedIn audience and drive traffic back to your site.
To create and install this button, visit -us/linkedin/consumer/integrations/self-serve/plugins/share-plugin, and copy the HTML code. Then, swap out the data-url=" " with whichever URL you'd like visitors to share, i.e. the blog post visitors are reading or the web page they've landed on.
To create a YouTube Subscribe Button, visit _subscribe_button, enter the name of your company's YouTube channel, select a button size and color theme, decide whether you want to display your logo, and decide whether you want to display your follower count shown or hidden. Then, copy and paste the code onto your website where you'd like the button to appear.
Visit -builder/?type=follow, and configure your button by typing in your Pinterest account's URL and account name. Once you input that information it will automatically generate the code, which you can paste into your website.
This is Pinterest's share button, enabling users to share your content on Pinterest and expand its reach. The Pin It button is great for visual content. Place these buttons next to images, infographics, and other visual content on your site.
You can create your own custom Facebook share buttons which use dynamic URLs of your web pages with the help of a server side programming language. In this tutorial, I will show you how to create a share button for non-static URLs using PHP.
In some other tutorials, I showed adding Facebook like and share buttons, as well as adding a share button with no script and multiple share buttons on the same page. In this tutorial, I will focus on how to use PHP for generating the correct dynamic URLs to use in the custom share buttons. You may want to refresh your PHP knowledge before we start.
If we were to put the share button on a static page, or if we were to use the default share button Facebook provides on its Share Button Configurator we would simply insert the code it generates into the page and it would handle the URLs for both static and dynamic pages correctly. What we are doing here is slightly different as we are building our own custom Facebook share button using our own style.
You can insert the above link on your page at a position where you want to display the share button. For example, on this site, I have used the same code for the Share buttons that you see at the top and bottom of this post. If you hover your mouse over those buttons or click on them, you can see the link in action.
If you want to post it on a particular page, you can also do that by including page id instead of user id in code. In the case of above a script, $posturl = '/'.$ fbUserId.'/feed'; instead of $ fbUserId you can put page id for e.g $posturl = '/XXXXXXXX/feed'; then the message will be posted on that particular page.
Of course, you may use these code samples with many ways. Forexample to post a topic on Facebook just after it is published.Below is how I use this code to post on Facebook every day, usingCron. (I am not referring to this blog. I share postsmanually, as the new topics are two or three per week. I useautomation for other sites I manage with more than five new topicsevery day).
Next up, the code that actually posts the content to the Facebook page. In my case I wanted to loop through WordPress posts and post a link and comment for any newly added posts onto my clients Facebook page. Within my WordPress posts loop was the all important code below:
Facebook technology stack consist of application written in many language, including PHP and many others. Facebook still using PHP but it has built a compiler for it so it can be turned into native code on.
With the release of the new Share button in November 2013, the documentation has been updated. There is no longer any mention of deprecation, and the sharer.php method will use the newest version:
This new Share Button works with a new version of our web-based Share Dialog. When using the sharer.php method of invoking the Share Dialog, this dialog will also display the new version without any changes required.
The design of the Like and Share button designs have been updated. They can also be easily added side-by-side. Those using existing code for the Like button, should automatically see the new design. More at Facebook:
The URL encoding is necessary because you are basically sending a URL within a URL, as a parameter in the query string. If you have certain special characters in your URL, then the browser may think it belongs to the URL.
Looks like they changed their FAQ, because I can not find anything mentioned in your post on the FB docs. Guess this is the new approch: app_id=145634995501895 &display=popup & & I need to register an app to use this endpoint.
Social share buttons are very important for the blog CMS, through which any visitor can share the blog link on their social account. Here we are creating complete dynamic blog CMS from the first part " how to create a blog from scratch in PHP" . We can also use social share icons or images instead of social share buttons. You already know about SEO. This is also the technique of SEO by which the rank of blog CMS can be increased. Here we will create a button for four social networking websites, on which any visitor can easily share. Let's talk about the social sites for which we are building the social share button.
1. Facebook - Who is not known about Facebook nowadays and Facebook is a social networking site on which the blog website can be easily populated. We will create a Facebook share button here using which any user can share a blog post on Facebook.
2. Twitter - Twitter is another social networking site on which you can share any blog post and increase the rank of your blog website. The share buttons for twitter can be easily created by PHP and MYSQL.''
4. Pinterest - Pinterest is another top-level social website on which any link with an image can be published. This is one of the best social networking site that works to rank blogs in Google or other search engines. Social share buttons can also be easily added to the blog website for Pinterest.
Creating the share button for Facebook is very important, for that, you should know the Facebook share URL, only then you can easily create a share button using PHP and MYSQL. Let's understand the Facebook share the link.
In the code above, we can define own base URL path. We are storing blog post slug in the slug variable and article id in another variable. We will use articleId in the next the code lines at line 65 after the content(Or where you want to display the share icons).
Composer is the recommended method of installing libraries on the platform and I will use it to install Facebook SDK.The first step is the creation of a composer file. In the SSH terminal run composer init command and add the required information to it. It will create a composer.json file in the application folder. Add the following code in composer.json. 2ff7e9595c