This is a very typical South African slapstick comedy. There will be people turned off by it, and others who think it's great. As for me, I rank it pretty good. The plot is pretty simple, The good guys, one white and the other black have stolen a winning lottery ticket from the leader of a Neo-Nazi group (Terri Treas, better known as Cathy Frankel in the TV series Alien Nation, is the Neo Nazi's wife and co-leader of the group) who want it back. As part of their escape plans they use makeup to change their race. (In South Africa, this was a big deal.)The humor is coarse and somewhat racially based, but I laughed a lot as did the friends also watching.The version of the movie I have claims that this is Part IV of The Gods Must be Crazy. I'm not sure just why as there is another completely different movie that also claims to be Part IV.Then again, when the Gods are really crazy....
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